The Worse the Storm, the Better the Memes

It doesn’t seem like the world can catch a break when it comes to natural disasters. The worst forest fires in years have been burning through the western US, Texas is still trying to recover from Harvey, Irma has torn through the Caribbean and Florida, and two more hurricanes are forming in the Atlantic as I type this. Hurricane Irma has left many people homeless and millions without power, but she also gave UGA students two full days of no classes (whoop whoop) and some pretty hilarious memes.

It seems as though the worse the natural disaster, the funnier the internet becomes.

Whether they poke fun at our President:

Or they say what we've all been thinking: 

The internet never seems to fail us when it comes to making us giggle during disaster situations.

Social media has had a field day dealing with Irma, and I have found it hysterical. Now, I do understand the seriousness of these hurricanes, and my heart truly goes out to everyone and their families who has been affected by Harvey and Irma, but I think that laughter can be the best medicine in situations like these. I don’t think that any of these memes are making light of the damage, but they are just here to try to get people to crack a smile during these hard times. Social media is made for entertainment, so it makes sense that people are using this platform for some comic relief. 

Of course, the internet isn’t just memes and funny tweets. People have been using social media as a powerful tool during Harvey and Irma to try to get people to donate to the Red Cross and show that their thoughts and prayers are with those affected. But, I think that making people laugh during these scary times is also powerful-and much needed! If we all sit around and let the seriousness of the situation take over then we can lose hope. So, let the memes live on!

      This is my personal favorite: 

While I’m not excited for anymore hurricanes to come through the US, I am excited to laugh about it when I'm scrolling through my phone.


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