'Stranger Things' let its fans do the marketing for them

Two big holidays are coming up: Halloween and the release of Stranger Things season 2 on Netflix. I have been waiting for season 2 to come out since the second after I finished binge watching the first season (which took me less than two days) at the beginning of last August. If you have not seen Stranger Things yet please start watching it after reading this blog because you will not regret it. The show takes place in a quiet, small town in the 1980s where the worst crime to ever happen there was a woman getting attacked by an owl, until a kid disappears without a trace. When his friends go searching for him they find a girl with a shaved head instead. After that a lot of strange things start happening around the town. This Emmy-winning hit can attribute their success to their amazing cast of kids, suspenseful storyline, and a great marketing strategy. A month after Stranger Things was released on Netflix in July of 2016 it became the most watched original se...